One of those games where my only "problem" with it is that i want more of it lol
One of those games where my only "problem" with it is that i want more of it lol
My dad was so good at games like these that he only lost once!
iv3 c0m3 2mak3 an ann0unc3m3nt pic0 fr0m pic0'$ $ch00l iz a bitch a$$ m0t3h3r fuck3r, h3 piz$3d 0n my fuckin6 wif3, that$ ri6ht h3 2k hiz 6r0$$ carr0t t0p $hrimp dick 0ut and h3 PIZ$3D 0N MY FUCKIN6 WIF3, and h3 $aid hiz dick wa$ "thiz bi6" and i $aid that$ diz6u$tin6, $0 im makin6 a call0ut p0$t 0n my twitt3r d0t c0m. Pic0 fr0m pic0$ $ch00l, j00v3 60t a $mall dick, it$ t3h $iz3 0f thiz walnut 3xc3pt WAY $MALL3R,and 6u3$$ what, h3r3$ what my d0n6 l00k$ lik3.B0000000000000M....that$ ri6ht baby, all d0n6 n0 h3rp3$ n0 pill0w$, l00k at that it l00k$ lik3 tw0 ball$ and a b0n6. H3 FUCK3D MY WIF3 $0 6U3$$ WHAT IM 60NNA FUCK T3H 3ARTH. that$ ri6ht thiz iz what j00 63t, MY $UP3R LAZ3R PIZ$......3xc3pt im n0t 60nna piz$ 0n t3h 3arth,im 60nna 60 hi6h3r IM PIZ$IN6 0N T3H M0000N....h0w d0 ya lik3 that 0bama, i piz$3d 0n t3h m00n j00 idi0t. J00 HAV3 23 H0UR$ B3F0R3 T3H PIZ$ DR0PL3T$ HIT T3H FUCKIN6 3ARTH, N0W 63T 0UTTA MY FUCKIN6 $I6HT B3F0R3 I PIZ$ 0N J00 2
amateur artist
Joined on 8/19/21